HSE and ESL programs

Your gift today will help students find their way to a brighter future!
Dutchess Community College's High School Equivalency (HSE) program provides students with interactive and engaging preparation classes that cover the five subject areas of the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) Exam. The program is student-focused and aims to help participants achieve their academic and career goals.
Darcie enrolled in the HSE program, after being out of high school for almost ten years, in order to further her education and become a registered nurse. As a single mother of three, she wanted to set an example to teach her children not to settle, but to be high achievers and to work hard for what they want in life. She took classes during the COVID-19 isolation period, while also working to support her family and received her diploma in 2020.
Ambar moved to the U.S. a few years ago but did not speak English. After enrolling in the HSE program, professors explained the steps of how to prepare to take credit courses in college successfully and also recommended the ESL program. "Both the ESL and HSE programs changed my life and I am so grateful for these amazing resources in our community." said Ambar. "During my time in the programs I felt encouraged to dream big and work hard to achieve those dreams. Now I am a bilingual paralegal with an Associates degree and I am pursing a Bachelors degree. I know that all of this has been possible thanks to the existence of these two wonderful programs that are incredible resources regardless of age, primary language or educational background."
Dutchess Community College's English as a Second Language (ESL) program helps students learn to speak, read, write and understand English.
Enrique is currently enrolled in his second ESL class. He was so happy when his boss told him that she is understanding him better! "This program has helped me so much and my teacher is extraordinary", said Enrique.
After completing the Intermediate and Intermediate II classes, Angi is enrolled in a credit course (English as a Second Language II) at Dutchess Community College. Angi said, "The program helped me so much. Not only did I learn vocabulary, grammar and writing, but I met wonderful people and learned about their cultures."
Margaret described how the ESL program helped her, "I adore this program! It gave me so much knowledge. I knew a little bit at the start of classes but I learned so much more and after completing three ESL courses, I was able to test into credit courses at Dutchess Community College! The teacher managed the class so well and made it interesting for all. At my age I was embarrassed to make so many mistakes but my teacher gave me confidence and this opened so many doors for me. I can't put into words how grateful I am. Thank you."
Thanks again for your support of and belief in the work you help us accomplish. If you have any questions, please contact Diana Pollard by email at pollard@sunydutchess.edu or (845) 431-8403.
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$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 250.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
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