Register for the Lobster Bake on September 10, 2016 

DCCF Lobster Bake 2016

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Event Selection
2016 Lobster Bake
Fourth Annual "Alumni and Friends Lobster Bake" under a tent behind Bowne Hall on the DCC Campus. The event is from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm on Saturday, September 10 and includes live music and dancing.
Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 4:00 PM


Students in the COM280 Study Abroad Program will travel to Tokyo Japan during the spring 2017 semester.  They will learn:

  • the basic principles and techniques of overseas documentary production
  • how to research the culture and location for the documentary project
  • skill development in camerawork, lighting, sound recording, scriptwriting, directing filming and logging and digitizing footage as they film in another country
  • how to express their personal experience in a unique way
  • techniques and aesthetic sensibility required to capture the moment
  • how to work as a professional team
  • develop critical thinking skills
  • explore the Japanese culture and embrace diversity

When students return to Dutchess, they will begin post-production, create graphics and titles and complete a half-hour documentary to be screened at DCC and aired on local cable channels.

As a supporter of this program, you will be credited in teh video and invited to the premier viewing, be recognized as a DCC Foundation contributor and your donation is tax deductibel to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Mount Fuji image


No log in needed. Simply follow the steps above and pay with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. A confirmation email and receipt will be sent to you. 

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